
Customized solutions.
For values that count.

When buying or selling a company, when merging or forming a joint venture, while arranging company succession and especially in disputes, a company’s value will come into question.

The quality of our valuation services lies, above all, in our ability to reflect the individual characteristics of the company being valued. Our team brings together specialized knowledge in the field of valuation theory, in the creation and review of integrated business planning systems, and in the analysis of industry comparisons. This combined expertise ensures we find suitable solutions for every valuation engagement.

Experience shows that there is no such thing as a single “correct” company value: although it is well known that the value of a company does not automatically correspond directly to the purchase price, it can often nonetheless lead to frustration between the buyer and the seller. Identifying marginal price considerations helps to prepare and structure decision-making processes.

Our valuation services include in detail:

  • Preparation of valuation reports for companies, groups of companies, business units, etc. for legal (e.g. in the context of a merger or a squeeze-out) or other reasons (e.g. purchase/sale of companies)
  • Preparation in accordance with German audit standards for intended corporation transactions (IDW S 8)
  • Preparation of impairment tests in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 36 for commercial law purposes
  • Intangible assets (e.g. brands, customer base) according to IDW S 5 – Investment valuation according to IDW RS HFA 10
  • Allocation of purchase price for company acquisitions

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